Waking up to the sound of howling wind rattling your windows and trees swaying violently is unsettling. As the storm passes, you step outside to inspect the aftermath, only to find pieces of shingles scattered across your yard. This sight can be a homeowner’s worst nightmare, signaling potential damage to one of the most critical components of your home—your roof. Understanding how to spot wind damaged shingles and knowing what steps to take next can save you from costly repairs and further complications.

What Causes Wind Damage?

wind damaged shingles

Wind damage to shingles primarily occurs during severe weather conditions such as storms, hurricanes, and tornadoes. High winds can lift shingles off the roof, break them, or cause them to curl and crack. Even winds as low as 45 mph can potentially damage shingles, especially if they were already loose or aging.

Why Is it a Serious Problem?

A damaged shingle is not just an aesthetic issue. Shingles are your roof’s first line of defense against the elements. When they are compromised, your roof becomes vulnerable to water infiltration, which can lead to leaks, mold growth, and structural damage. Therefore, addressing wind damaged shingles promptly is crucial to maintaining the integrity of your home.

Signs of Wind Damaged Shingles

Visual Clues on the Roof

  1. Missing Shingles: One of the most obvious signs is missing shingles. If you notice bare spots on your roof where shingles used to be, it’s a clear indication that the wind has ripped them away.
  2. Curling and Cracking: Wind can cause shingles to curl at the edges or corners. Cracked shingles are also a common sign of wind damage.
  3. Shingle Granules in Gutters: Check your gutters for an accumulation of granules. This indicates that shingles are deteriorating and may have been damaged by wind.
  4. Creased Shingles: High winds can cause shingles to bend and crease. Inspect your roof for any shingles that have noticeable creases running horizontally across them.

Signs Inside Your Home

  1. Leaks and Water Stains: If you notice water stains on your ceiling or walls, it might be due to water penetrating through wind damaged shingles.
  2. Mold and Mildew: The presence of mold or mildew inside your home can be a sign of prolonged moisture exposure due to a compromised roof.

What to Do If You Suspect Wind Damage

Safety First

Before you do anything, ensure it’s safe to inspect your roof. Avoid climbing onto the roof if it’s wet or if you’re unsure of its stability. If you’re not comfortable doing it yourself, consider hiring a professional.

Conduct a Thorough Inspection

Perform a detailed inspection of your roof and home exterior. Use binoculars to check for damage from the ground, or consider using a drone if available.

Document the Damage

Take clear photos of any visible damage. This will be useful for insurance claims and when contacting roofing contractors for repairs.

Contact Your Insurance Company

If you have homeowners insurance, reach out to your insurance company to report the damage. Provide them with the documentation and photos you’ve collected. They will guide you through the claims process.

Hire a Professional Roofer

Even if the damage seems minor, it’s wise to consult with a professional roofer. They can provide a comprehensive assessment and recommend the best course of action. A professional will also ensure that any repairs are done correctly, preventing future issues.

Preventative Measures

After addressing the immediate damage, consider taking steps to prevent future wind damage. This may include reinforcing your roof, using stronger materials, or performing regular maintenance checks.


wind damaged shingles

Wind damaged shingles can pose a serious threat to the safety and integrity of your home. By knowing how to spot the signs of damage and taking prompt action, you can protect your home from further harm. Always prioritize safety, document any damage, and seek professional help to ensure your roof is restored to its best condition. Proactive measures can help prevent future damage and give you peace of mind during the next storm. If you suspect wind damage to your shingles or need professional assistance, contact DryTech Exteriors today. Our team of experts is ready to assess your roof’s condition, provide necessary repairs, and help you fortify your home against future storms.